"No more painters, no more writers, no more musicians, no more sculptors, no more religions, no more republicans, no more royalists, no more imperialists, no more anarchists, no more socialists, no more Bolsheviks, no more politicians, no more proletarians, no more democrats, no more bourgeois, no more aristocrats, no more armies, no more police, no more fatherlands, enough of all these imbeciles, no more anything, no more anything, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing.---
We hope something new will come from this, being exactly what we no longer want, determinedly less putrid, less selfish, less materialistic, less obtuse, less immensely grotesque.
Long live concubines and the con-cubists. All members of the DADA movement are presidents."
Dada Parasol
So you don't like my manifesto?
You've come here bursting with hostility and you're going to start
whistling at me before you've even heard me out?
Great! Carry on, the wheels turns as it's turned since Adam, nothing
changes, except now we've only got two legs instead of four.
But you're really making me laught and I wish to repay you for your
lovely welcome by talking to you about Aart, poetry, etc. Etc. Hippicackuanna.
Have you ever seen a telegraph pole having a tough time trying to
grow beside roads between nettles and blown tyres?
But as soon as it's grown a bit taller than its neighbours it grows so
fast that you can never stop it . . . never!
Then it opens out right up there in the sky, lights up, swells out, is a
parasol, a taxi, an encyclopedia or a toothpick.
So you are happy now? OK . . . that's it . . . that's all I wanted to say
to you. That's poetreee for you . . . honest!
Poetry = toothpick, encyclopedia, taxi or parasol-shade, and if you're
not satisfied . . .
November 23rd – 29th I'll publish 7 recent sound works based on dada manifestos from 1916 to 1921, played by a music box. The manifesto, the text, on one or several A4-pages, is cut into one long strip to fit a music box and then spliced with tape. Some manifestos has been scanned from top to bottom (vertically) and others from left to right (horizontally). The letters D and A in the text are then punctuated, so the absence of D and A (..DADA), is what you hear being played.
The first dada manifesto by Hugo Ball (1916) encourages poets to stop writing with words, but rather write the word itself, and Ball states that:
"I shall be reading poems that are meant to dispense with conventional language, no less, and to have done with it"
In this way this collection of Dada Manifestos acts in accordance with Ball's manifesto, using the word construct as the direct source.
Check out the composition from the very first Dada Manifesto by Hugo Ball (1916) here.
Nov. 29th:
Dada Excites Everything by Tristan Tzara and others (1921)
Nov. 23rd:
Dada Manifesto by Tristan Tzara (1918)
Nov. 24th:
First German Dada Manifesto by Richard Huelsenbeck (1918)
Nov. 25th:
What is Dadaism and what does it want in Germany?
by Richard Huelsenbeck and Raoul Hausmann (1919)
Nov 26th:
Dada Manifesto by Francis Picabia (1920)
Nov. 27th:
Dada Cannibalistic Manifesto by Francis Picabia (1920)