"Horizon. No Horizon" performed at Kunstmuseet Nord-Trøndelag 06.06.2015 from Cecilie Jordheim on Vimeo.
Documentation of the performance entitled "Horizon. No Horizon" (part 2). Performed at Kunstmuseet Nord-Trøndelag, June 6th 2015 by membes of three local choirs: Namsos Kammerkor, Cygnus and Salt, under direction by Elina Karpinska.
The drawings, taken from YouTube, of a boat's repetitive vertical movement at sea, produced in the spirit of surrealist automatic writing, seeks to be a score of movement; also carrying the possibilitiy to be reproduced in sound. From the boat's bridge point of view, the horizon appears and disappears. More here.
This was the last performance of three during this exhibiton.
You can find part 1 of "Horizon. No Horizon" here and "REMAKE: Grafitti Composition" here.