friday, november 15th
tronsmo bokhandel
16.00 Kenneth Goldsmith/usa talks to Birgit Hatlehol
about his latest book Seven American Deaths and
Disasters. Free.
kunsthall oslo
18.30 If we had to ask for permission we wouldn’t exist:
A brief history of UbuWeb – talk by Kenneth
Goldsmith/usa, the founder of UbuWeb. Hosted
by nyMusikk. Free.
saturday, november 16th
kunstnernes hus, auditorium
13.00 From collector to archivist: A personal narrative by
Kenneth Goldsmith/usa. Remarks by Patricia
Tomaszek /Germany Rasmus Dahl Vest /Denmark.
litteraturhuset, wergeland
15.00 Highlights of european poetryfilms: Dart – based
on a poem by Alice Oswald, video by Marc Tiley/
England, 2012 (19:00). Video by Sigrun Höllrigl/
Austria, 2013
13.00 What is the word – a poem by Beckett, video by
Hannaleena Hauru/Finland, 2013 (1:36 ) jumbo
shampoo or Joerg Bungee vanished on the rope –
text by Hubsi Kramar refers to a classic Dada text
from 1920. Viviente, video by Ivalo Frank/
Greenland, 2013 (5:47) Your memory is my freedom,
video by Marie Silkeberg/Sweden and Ghayath
Almadhoun/Syria/ Sweden, 2012 (5:41) Free.
16.15 Highlights of baltic films: Multimedia-artist Gabriele
Labanauskaite/Lithuania presents multiretrospective of
Baltic Poetry Movie scene, united by geographical positions,
but varying by expressive styles and tools. From animation
to vidoe’s poetry is expressed with love, lyricism and sense
of humour. Chess Queen – text by Gabriele Labanauskaite
(Avaspo), video by Solveiga Serova,(7:08), Rain – text by
Tomas Adrikonis, video by Jurate Gacionyte,(1:15), The
Only Bigger Mammal – text by Vaiva Grainyte, video by
Saule Norkute. The poet and graphic designer Asto Künnap/
Estonia presents Black Ceiling (Must Lagi) Estonia’s first
animated selection of poetry. Seven short films full of feeling
illustrating works by Estonian poets, © 2007 Eesti
Joonisfilm, The Very Last Cigarette – text by Asko Künnap,
video by Kaspar Jancis, (1:46), Lights In the Night – text
by Arvi Siig, video by Heiki Ernits, (2:06), Tablemat of
Baltic Sea – text by AleksanderSuumann, video by Ülo
Pikkov, (2:14), Vegetated Director – text by Andres Ehin,
video by Priit Tender, (2:30), I Feel A Life Long BulletIn
The Back of My Head – text by Jüri Üdi, video by Priit
Pärn. (2:20). Free.
kunstnernes hus, second floor
19.30 Dialogue for aerophones – a noncreative composition by
Cecilie Bjørgås Jordheim/Norway. Musicians: Yumi
Murakami, Christine Lorentzen, Daniel Weiseth Kjellesvik,
Hanne Rekdal, Kristine Tjøgersen. Free.
kunstnernes hus, auditorium
20.15 Writing After Conceptual Writing, Kenneth Goldsmith/
usa shows his favourite works of moving images. (45:00)
21.30 Voices for soloists, soundwork by Cia Rinne/Finland, 2010
(15:00) Redshift, video and performance by Johannes
Heldén/ Sweden, 2009 (7:00) Confessions, videos by Ignas
Krunglevicius/ Lithuania, 2010 (12:00). Free
22.30 Highlights of nordic poetryfilms natyr, videopoem by
Ottar Ormstad/Norway, 2013 (4:45), Every Body, poem
by Monica Aasprong/ Norway, video by Ebba Bohlin/
Sweden, 2013 (12:00), Bølgeslag – poems by Tor
Ulven, animation by Kristian Pedersen/Norway,
2013 (2:00) The very last cigarette – poem by Asko
Künnap/ Estonia, animation by Kaspar Jancis/
Estland, 2007 (1.46) Kennara me köldu blói,
animation by Eirikur Ôrn Norddahl/Iceland, 2007
(2:37), The Höpöhöps of Bök, animation by
Eirikur Ôrn Norddahl/ Iceland, 2010 based on a
poem by Christian Bök (4:18) Free.
kunstnernes hus, second floor
23.30 Museum is a work in progress, and a collaboration
between Hans Petter Blad, Sven Erga and Morten
Cranner/Norway. Possibly a play, maybe a concert,
definitively a series of poems that might become a
book. Point of departure is the looting of the Iraq
National Museum during the invasion of Iraq in
2003. (30:00) Free.
sunday, november 17th
kunstnernes hus, auditorium
12.00 I Look to Theory Only When I Realize That
Somebody has Dedicated Their Entire Life to a
Question I have Only Fleetingly Considered –
lecture by Kenneth Goldsmith/usa.
13.00 Artistic practises in the digital field: Cia Rinne/
Finland, Monica Aasprong/Norway, Johannes
Heldén/Sweden, Ignas Krunglevicius/ Lithuania,
Merete Pryds Helle/Denmark and Eirikur Ôrn
Norddahl/Iceland talk about their digital and visual
14.30 Rasmus Vest/Denmark: The Blogged I – blogpoetry
as self-production.
15.15 Patricia Tomaszek/germany: Ottar Ormstad –
between stillness and motion – a close up at Ottar
Ormstads oeuvre of work.