9.11. – 7.12.2013
Produzentengalerie Luzern, Switzerland
They clean, they order, they simplify.
These five artists are methodical.
Where there are too many rules they wipe some off, where there is no need for rules they embed some in.
AAA CC DD EE G H IIII J KK LLL M NN OOOO RRRR U proposes a gathering of various types of repeated gestures: Hands replacing objects with words and words with objects, emptying signs of their significance, attributing new functions to language, manipulating semiotics to inject poetry into rational systems. In an energetic rhythm that seems unstoppable, the five artists are weaving in and out of paralanguages, transforming sounds into images into words into objects into places into concepts, making meaningful arrangements out of a succession of signs – or the opposite. Language is turned upside down, squeezed, dissolved, signs are highlighted or made obsolete, drawing out some of the infinite potential from poetical roads. It will spread its presence onto human gestures, geographical spaces, functional objects, flowers, landscapes, sounds.
We find poetry in unsuspected places, brought by unsuspected methods, driven by a human need to re-invent language. In a paradoxical process, the artists extract language from its habits and context to elect another rational and basic protocol with which to work: Alphabetical order, logical sequence, repetition, cut-and-paste, displace and replace, all types of systematic processes surprisingly drive words into poetry. An irresistible impulse to hijack language gathers these artists, seizing content, grammar and vocabulary for personal poetical/political matters to make into their own new partitions.
AAA CC DD EE G H IIII J KK LLL M NN OOOO RRRR U shows our tendancy to create disorder where there are invariably rules, and to use those rules where we find apparent chaos, choosing language as our first tool.
The exhibition reflects the lively exchange that Stéphanie Lagarde and Ray Hegelbach set up, over distance and between languages, which lead to the transformation of language into this colorful gathering of works. Spoken therapeutic massages, gesticulating arms, screamed landscapes, literary flower compositions are here to remind us that rearranging reality is, above all, a poetical emergency.
With Nico Colón, Cecilie Bjørgås Jordheim, Mikko Kuorinki, Stéphanie Lagarde, Oliver Laric
Friday 8.11.2013 – 19.00
Opening with Performance Horizon, No Horizon from Cecilie Bjørgås Jordheim
Thursday 21.11.2013 – 20.00 Unrestricted Poets: Film- and Audioscreening
Friday 29.11.2013 – 19.30 Performance Horizon, No Horizon from Cecilie Bjørgås Jordheim
Produzentengalerie Luzern Hirschmattstrasse 30a 6003 Luzern Switzerland
Th + Fr 16 –19 / Sa 11–16
Supported by: Ernst und Olga Gubler-Hablützel Stiftung