Back in Oslo again after a great time in Malmö on the launch of In Edit Mode Press' LOCAL COLOUR: GHOSTS, VARIATIONS.
Singer Stine Janvin Motland and double bass player Inga Margrethe Aas performed my contribution to the publication; First Of All There Is Blue which is a composition in 3 movements based the first paragraph of Paul Auster's short story Ghosts (New York Triology, 1987).
Listen to excerpts here.
(image: soundcheck with Carl Lindh at Signal -Center för Samtidskonst)
I want to express my deep gratitude to Derek Beaulieu, Ola Ståhl and Carl Lindh for making this possible. I also want to thank Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfond and Office Of Contemporary Art (OCA) for supporting the project.
(A video documentation of the performance will be out soon)